SORAM was one of the first companies to use KPAX Manage. We chose this solution because of a desire to improve our customer services and the efficiency of our processes in view of our development. Formerly, invoicing real consumption required a lot of energy to retrieve information directly from the customer. Now this is done automatically, and the customers can simply check the figures.
KPAX Manage also allowed us to provide an automatic delivery service for consumables. This way the customer doesn’t have to take care of anything, and consumable stocks were reduced by over 70%.
When we bought the solution, it was the 1st version of KPAX Manage and we chose this solution because it met our requirements: a multi-manufacturer compatible solution enabling us to manage our entire fleet, a server hosted locally to meet the security requirements of our end users, representatives available to solve problems. The generalisation of KPAX Manage across the fleet required a vast change management effort for the technical teams. We needed them to understand the advantages in order to get the technicians on board. It took a lot of effort, but the results provide so many advantages that the whole team is motivated.
KPAX Manage is currently managing 5000 printing systems on 4 different manufacturer devices at SORAM, which is around 80% of the whole fleet. The recent and upcoming changes to the software are relevant to us for several reasons: the KPAX Manage Liberty hardware device answers the problems of customers who do not have the infrastructure to host the software agent; the disconnected agent suits customers with high security demands; the fleet governance module allows us to offer a new service to our customers.
David Matheron – Technical Manager of SORAM